Wait….I’m Stealing? Copyright laws and creativity!

Have you ever tried posting a video to YouTube or Facebook to only have it taken down because of “Copyright Infringement?” It happens all the time. A simple video that you seemingly created could actually be considered stealing another persons work. This raises the question: What is Copyright infringement? And how do I avoid it? If you are interested in finding out more about copyright infringement, you can research online to check out copyright law to learn more.

Copyright, according to the U.S. Copyright Act, is defined as:

Protection available for, “original works of authorship fixed in an intangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

Basically, Copyright laws allow a creator to:

  • Reproduce copies or phonographs
  • To prepare derivable works based on the original work
  • Distribute copies or phonographs to public by sale or any other transfer of ownership.
  • In the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, to perform the copyrighted work publicly.
  • In the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, to display the copyrighted work publicly.
  • In the case of sound recordings, to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission.

Overall, a creator can distribute and sell their original works anyway they please. The copyright laws protect their works because they are essentially “intangible.” So what does this mean for you?

The U.S copyright law also has a section called, “Fair Use.” This legal document allows for the freedom of expression without harming the business of creators. People that intend to use the works for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research are usually able to avoid copyright infringement. There are four categories that fall under the Fair Use section of the Copyright Law.

  1. Purpose and character of the use, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes: Courts will look at the reason for use of the copyrighted works. Usually, nonprofit uses and non-commercial use are considered fair. It’s not always fair, but if you are charged a court will consider this.
  2. Nature of the copyrighted work: Use of unpublished work is usually considered fair. Works used for creative expression will be more difficult to use. Factual and informational works are easier to be used in a fair way.
  3. Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole: The court will look at a work at see how much of it was used. The larger amount of work that is used is less likely to be considered fair.
  4. Effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work: The court will review what damage the use of the work has on it and in the future. This will be considered when trying to decide if use of a work is fair.

The Fair Use law is rather vague and hard to put into use. However, there are some ways to prevent copyright infringement on popular apps.


  • Only post your own photos.
  • If you want to repost someone’s photo, tag them and give them credit.
  • The Repost App is a good way to give credit to other pages for publishing their material.
  • If someone uses your work, Instagram suggests you first contact them before reporting the page for stealing your work.


  • Content ID is a filter installed into YouTube’s software. This will compare your videos to existing YouTube videos and usually flag you for copyright infringement. Here are some of the ways YouTube works around it:
    • Mute audio that matches their music.
    • Block a whole video from being viewed.
    • Monetize the video by running ads against it.
    • Track the video’s viewership statistics.


  • You can give credit to the original page
  • Add a watermark to your works

Copyright laws are ultimately a godsend to the creative world. When you’re posting, consider the above guidelines in order to best respect another creators work! If you are a creative and are worried about having your work stolen, there are Free tools for professional artists that can be used to trace your work to see if it has been used without your permission.

Referenced Works





Drive traffic to your business using Animation

Create Animation
The animation industry is probably one of the fastest and most successful commercial enterprises on the planet. With the increase in inbound marketing and expanding inbound marketing, the animation business has also grown rapidly. An ever-increasing number of animation courses have been presented in the business sector and foundations are also moving around every town and village in the world. This has given rise to the increased popularity of explainer videos in the form of motion graphic videos as a strong customer encatchment strategy, and a way to bring awareness to your business and brand.
In the past few years, the animation industry has made outstanding progress. Today, short movies are made with the latest innovations and technology. A small group of artists, dedicated to the production of films, can take care of a larger group of businesses.
1. Animation isn’t just for your Saturday morning cartoons or movies anymore!
Today, the animation industry is not just limited to films but also in the different areas as television, newspapers, magazines, promotional organizations, websites, companies and so on. The artform has grown beyond its purely entertainment function. Now, the advertising industry uses 3D modeling as a popular tool among the flourishing market. Consequently, animators with knowledge of high 3D rendering can secure a guaranteed profession in this medium.
2. Trends that have been adopted by the experts in explainer videos of corporate websites.

Strong colors: Nobody wants a site that is unattractive and dull. Accordingly. this makes powerful use of colors is essential. Striking and brilliant hues are favored in because they make the content clearer and more comprehensible without effort. Growing entertainment websites use them in abundance.

Versatile for all devices: Any type of site or animation must be versatile for all devices to have widespread impact, regardless of prospects using phones, tablets, PCs, laptops, etc. So anyone that provides video animation or cartoon used in these pages must be appropriately trained or they may lose clients.

Parallax Scrolling: This technique is used in computer graphics and web design. Background images move by the camera slower than images in the foreground, creating an illusion of depth and immersion in a two dimensional scene. In case it is not done properly, it can make your website disconcerting. Parallax scrolling makes for a great customer experience, if done cleanly and cleverly.

Social Media Strategy: Social media is such a huge component that can accelerate the ubiquity of a company with each passing day. Therefore, it is essential to add social media buttons to let customers communicate your homepages, fostering online networking. It expands the awareness of the brand among groups of people and adds value to the animation itself because that is what gained the attention in the first place. Using social media to your advantage is seen as a great way to bring further attention to your company in a digital sense. An SEO Firm in London may be able to help you in this process so that you can use social media to your advantage.

Animation has long thought to be limited to films. Animation has a major role in the business world since every business venture is not complete without a website of its own, which is why finding an affordable web host for a new business should be a big priority for building brand awareness. Web design and animation is used in the foundation of any site, often with an explainer video. It can be the deciding factor in the success or failure of the organization. Some models come and go, while others remain in perpetuity. This is the situation with business videos in companies’ web plans. Some authors take after the site decision rule is simple, clean and less confusing to pull in heavy traffic. In addition, others rely on exorbitant use of light and animation. Patterns in the IT industry will continue to evolve the role of explainer videos.

Does your brand speak to customers and represent who you are?

Does your brand speak to customers and represent who you are?
The right way to higher product knowledge
Brand awareness can be described as the ability of the target audience to know or remember the brand
of the company at the time of selection or immediately prior to the purchase of goods. Knowledge of
goods measured in the percentage of audience share means that the company is familiar with the
product and is able to identify the brand in the product category. Examples of brand awareness can be done through the use of personalized notebooks, balloons and other memorabilia, in order to make a lasting impression. Anything that promotes a company is worth looking into, as this allows your brand to create a presence that can take your business to the level of success that you are reaching for. Even if you look into something as simple as Super Cheap Signs – car magnets, you may realise that thinking out of the box can help you with your business promotional goals. For anyone starting off, spreading the word about your business is very important.

Brand awareness affects the competitiveness of the product and the possibility of long-term growth. In
this article we will consider the basic methods of research, evaluation, and how to increase the brand
awareness of the company.
The term “product knowledge” can be described through several concepts. At first glance, these are
synonymous, but on closer inspection, the differences are striking. Directly, that term is synonymous
with “brand awareness”, which consists of two different terms: recognition and ease of remembering
the brand. This is why so many businesses use badges as you can wear them to represent your company and increase brand awareness.
Brand awareness (brand recognition) – the ability of the consumer to identify and find the brand in
contact with her on certain characteristics and attributes. In other words, this term is responsible for
how quickly and easily a consumer can find the product in appearance, image and design elements.
Easy memorization (brand recall) – the ability of consumers to recall the brand of the company at the
time of particular need.
What type of knowledge is important for a product?
Recognition ability to recall products or brands of the company that a priority? There is no single
answer does not exist, but it can be quite easy to determine. It is enough to understand when and in
what situation the consumer decides to purchase the brand. If the target audience of your product can
decide on buying a brand from a list of available alternatives, the aim of the campaign should be the
recognition of the product. For example, a consumer directly addresses “What to buy?” Examining the
shelves in stores. Or, chooses “what beer to order?” Based on the definition of the list in the menu.
If the target audience decides to purchase at the time of need, far from the place of purchase and can
not see the elements of the brand, the purpose of the campaign is the ability to remember the brand,
itself. For example, at the time when the winter begins, the consumer remembers what brands that are
designed (or marketed) to keep them warm. Or, if the desire is to go out to eat, the customer
remembers the most recognizable culinary institutions.
Ways to build knowledge about the product.
High recognition and memorability of the brand of the company is achieved through the promotion of
goods/services on the market. Promoting the goods/services provides contact with the consumer. The
more targeted contact with the product, the higher the quality of the contact (duration, the right place
and time) – the faster the brand awareness increases. To build the knowledge necessary to use all
available means: direct advertising, BTL (delayed incentives) and trade marketing activities, the quality
of display of goods and, of course, the packaging of the product.
The value of a brand for the company.
Developing a strategy to promote a product to market, it is important to choose what type of brand
awareness is more important for the company’s goods. Companies like Apple, Starbucks, and Google
have built highly recognizable products/services and their success is due, in large part, to their products’ brand awareness.

Just a Basket Case(amazing woman, amazing company)

how to develop a website

Just a Basket Case was one of the most challenging(humor in weddings?) and amazing clients we had the pleasure of working with! Everything about her brand fits her so well! We here at Spaghetti Ninja created the logo, branding, website, online store, and much more! We look forward to working with her for more future projects!

It’s Nice to Blog Again

where to get a website built

Hello World, boy is it nice to come out of the shadows once in awhile to write content for the website. I sure miss it. People and clients alike were asking me to write content all of the time, and so I shall! Keep up to date with what Spaghetti Ninja is up to from new outrageous battles to fight, new amazing weapons I’m brewing, and new clients I’m creating legends with! If you wish to contact me feel free to email me at [email protected] or text me at 813-892-0706!