1: Who are you? What are you?
Before you can build a brand, you need to start by figuring out who you are. If you already know your USP, you’re part way there. If not, work through these six short exercises. They will help you describe your business, visualize it and define its personality.
Day 2: What do you look like?
Now you know a little more about who you are, it’s time to starting thinking about what your brand looks like. You’ll want your answers from Day 1 at hand for this part. Next we will work though putting together a brand guide. This will include your brand’s colors, images, fonts and personality.Read more >>
Day 3: Create or update your logo
Your logo is the real-life embodiment of your brand. In order to be effective, it should be consistent with your business’s core values. As you think through what you want yours to look like, keep in mind that simple, practical and unique are best. We’ll walk you through how to create one, or have one created for you. Read more >>
Day 4: Create/update marketing materials
Depending on your business and on the markets you serve, your marketing materials will differ. However, there are a number of key materials you’ll want to ensure you have at hand. This includes a website and relevant social platforms. A website is easy to maintain and you learn how to schedule Instagram posts so that they automatically upload rather than having to upload them manually. You will also need signs for your store (if you have one), branded invoices and stationery, flyers or brochures, as well as t-shirts and uniforms if your employees require them. Read more >>
Day 5: Prepare for liftoff
Now you’ve got your brand, you’re almost ready to move into the marketing phase. However, before you can do that, you’ll want to do a few things, including checking in with your friends to find out whether your brand resonates; compiling your contacts before you make the big announcement; getting setup with Google analytics as well as various social media platforms, and setting some goals. Read more >>
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