Over the last few years, we have experienced an exponential growth in activity B2B companies via
social media, and this could increase in a manner supported in 2016.
The internet marketing and social media predictions for the B2B sections:
– Content and social media platforms will continue to diversify
– New editorial and visual content will become more practical
– Data analysis will expand for B2B marketing
– Marketing automation will facilitate B2B sales
– Strategies for designing expanded mobile interfaces (mobilization), if you would like to use some tools for marketing then you can use tools for ppc agencies
1. Forms of support and content will continue to diversify.
Indeed, the publication of good content will continue to benefit companies in B2B with their colleagues
and competitors.
The blog post, E-books, video, and storytelling will help foster consistent relationships and retain leads.
These types of publications should respond well to customer expectations in the coming years.
2. New practices in marketing B2B as content becomes more visual.
The practice of storytelling (a story for presenting a product) and interpretation of the data by the
image, involves new skills. Indeed, new merchants and marketers who have mastered the art of
blogging, the e-book, visual content, and video will strengthen their skills with their colleagues. The
small social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram, have increased dissemination of pictures and
video. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have improved their applications to share
more visual content in their own platforms and with the use of the best instagram bot and other types of automation tools, marketing via social media has become more and more popular for businesses.
Thus, the new e-marketing and e-advertising practices are becoming more common, because the art of
storytelling and visual editing makes the promotion of more accessible and attractive offers to users. There are now also more and more companies out there who can help in this era of digital marketing, including NGP Integrated Marketing Communications.
3. Data analysis becomes more important for the participants of B2B
For B2B, you will be better able to analyze the context of the data to progress in social media. It not
only measures numbers, but compiles and collects data to get a better result and customer prospects.
This type of analysis and interpretation of marketing data gives a more comprehensive view of the
target profiles and leads to more effective and specific actions.
For customer data analysis, the novelty comes from the diversification of sources of collection:
customer service, promotional offers returns, posting mini-websites, creative clubs, “partners” fan
pages on social networks, blogs, etc. “The audit of the sources and the cross-referencing of the data is
the first step to consider a relationship strategy.” Thanks to the internet, consumers of all backgrounds
have entered the marketplace to be marked with a “yes” or “no.”
Tracking is becoming widespread. B2B marketers know if loyal customer frequent their site. Are they
subscribed to their newsletters? Do they participate in forums? If so, what are they talking about?
These feelings that brands analyze, allow advertisers to test new methods for modeling the customer
4. Best practices and effectiveness of marketing tools
Sometimes, B2B marketers need to communicate the name of their tools to understand what they do.
Do you know the term “Marketing Automation?”
“These are the automation techniques for triggering and running marketing campaigns. Almost without
human intervention, the mail is particularly suited for automation of marketing actions.”
Automation increases the efficiency of B2B marketing, leverages responses to clients multichannel
campaigns to optimize every interaction, follows more leads and customers, and increases your ability
to handle more business. If you take less time to complete the sale, you will be able to handle more
customers. “Expect to see better use of marketing tools in the coming years. For example, B2B will be
more saturated with the flow of email campaigns, but use more powerful software to automate
repetitive tasks that computers do better than humans.
5. Strategies for mobile interfaces
Since the increase in smartphone sales in recent years, mobilization will continue in and is going to
dominate mobile traffic B2B sites. So for B2B companies, they will stimulate the creation of new
mobile strategies to attract their prospects and customers, for example by developing applications and
sites optimized for reading on the go (mobile-friendly sites).
A new generation of mobile services
E-booking platform, sharing good address, m-couponing, geolocation, ambient applications, et cetera.
Conclusion :
– The content and forms of social media platforms will continue to diversify
– New editorial and visual content becomes more practical
– Use data analysis for B2B marketing
– Marketing automation facilitates the practice for the company B2B
– Strategies for designing mobile interfaces are B2B